Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Sunflower, Part 2

Wow! In rereading, I was quite harsh about this book, but still over all, must say it was a good book, but not a keeper or a reread. Quite light and "heartwarming" as they say on the book. But, having found my copy, I did want to post some of the insights that were given as quotes from Paul's journal as chapter headings.

"American culture is a curious thing. We fret over a sport star's twisted ankle or the ill-fated marriage of celebrities, yet lose no sleep over a hundred million children living in the streets."
(Britney Spears, Anyone?)

"A patient once told me that a trip to the mall was twice as effective as Prozac."
(I believe in and practice retail therapy!)

" The surest way to minimize your own burdens is to carry someone else's."

" Today I heard an American teenager comparing her deprivation to that of our children, because her aprents would only buy her a used car. There are none so impoverished as those who do not acknowledge the abundance of their own lives."
I think I see this everyday. We just don't realize how blessed we are to live in this country, to have the food that we need, a warm place to live, we all have great healthcare(speaking of those I know), we all have the opportunity to do what we want with our lives, the right to vote, the right to express discontent with our lives and our government. I thank my Heavenly Father every day for the blessings He gives me. I try to make my evening prayers those of gratitude.

And Finally.....

"I have come to believe that the only true way we can serve God is to serve His Children."
Mosiah 2:17 "Behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God."

So, although it wasn't a book I would pick, nor a book I will read again, it did have some nuggets in it, which to me says you can find good in many things, if you look for it.

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